Pet Health and Nutrition

The health and well being of your pet, whether you have a dog, cat, bird or goldfish, should be very important to you as a pet owner. To have a pet and not take care of it properly is selfish and cruel. A pet is totally dependent on its owner for its very survival. A well taken care of and healthy pet will give you years of enjoyment, not to mention companionship and will return your love and devotion many fold. Well, maybe not the goldfish, but I’m sure you get my drift.Multivitamins for your pet are extremely important in your quest to maintain your pet’s health. You cannot rely on foods alone to give your beloved pets the nutrition necessary to keep them healthy. There are many multivitamins on the market, but the ones you should look for should contain vitamins essential to your own pet’s well being. All multivitamins are not designed for all pets.Cats, for example, need a multivitamin that contains the amino acid taurine, selenium and the vitamins A, C and E, plus vitamin B complex. Dogs, on the other hand, need multivitamins that contain the minerals iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc. These minerals, along with vitamins A, C, D, and E, plus vitamin B complex will certainly be a step in the right direction to keeping your dog healthy.When purchasing your pet’s multivitamin, be selective. You wouldn’t buy just any multivitamin for yourself so be just as vigilant when buying a multivitamin for your pet. The correct dosage is also very important. Be sure to follow your veterinarian’s instructions or the directions on the bottle.Along with multivitamins, other nutritional supplements can be very useful in preventing illness. Coenzyme Q10 and L-carnitine among other amino acids are good for a heart condition. Glucosamine can be useful in treating arthritis. Glutamine, digestive enzymes, amino acids and probiotics are beneficial in keeping the digestive tract healthy.Diet is also very important. It is suggested that for cats, a meal consist of no more than 35% carbs, 10% fat and 20% protein. For dogs, 50% carbs, 5% fat, 5% fiber and 10% protein. Remember, a fat pet is an unhealthy pet.All natural foods for your pet is the way to go. Pet food manufacturers know this and nearly all offer some form of all-natural food. Even all-natural pet treats are readily available.Be sure and make regular visits to your veterinarian. Don’t wait for something to go wrong. Regular check-ups can help prevent heartache later.©Copyright 2007

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Arthritis Leg Pain and Arthritis Finger Symptoms Are Similar

Arthritis leg pain is a result of metabolic or degenerative arthropathy that occurs in or in the vicinity of ankles, knees, feet and hips joints. Those who suffer from degenerative joint pains experience pain in their joints when actively using them. On the other hand those suffering from psoriatic joint pain, gout and rheumatoid joint pain undergo bout of pain even when the joints are at rest.Arthritis in general affects the body joints and musculoskeletal system. Arthritis leg pain can be because of leg problem arising due to rheumatoid joint pain condition. Another form of joint pain condition that is concentrated in leg to produce same type of joint pain is osteoarthritis. The general symptoms of arthritis leg pain areSwelling – The possible joints pain condition produce a swelling around the joint. With a simple glance inflammation may either be seen or not seen but can be felt. Anti-inflammatory medications are used to ease the swelling from joint pain conditions.Pain – Pain is a most common symptom of deteriorated joint condition in leg. The pain may be dull or severe depending on the type of joint pain condition. The pain arises from bone or muscles within the leg. In that case stretching gives relief from pain.Walking difficulty – With time cartilages and joints in the leg deteriorate that makes walking difficult. Pain in the knee joints is the cause of person not able to walk.Stiffness – Joint deterioration with swelling and pain add up to cause stiffness in the leg. Stiffness in the leg may be felt in the morning after sleep or when sitting or standing for too long.When you have painful joint condition two major things happen. First the joint tissue or cartilage is deteriorating that produces change in the complete structure of the joint. This further affects rest of the skeletal system as everything is connected. Second in order to accommodate the pain in the body you may start sleeping or walking in different way.Another painful joint condition in your body can be arthritis finger. Since each hand has 27 bones, there are number of joints in fingers. Also the normal daily work is dependent on fingers. There are two types of painful joint conditions found in fingers same as found in leg. Also the symptoms of arthritis finger are more or less the same as stated above.Since cause and the symptoms of the painful joint conditions in leg and arthritis finger are almost the same, their treatment is in general the same. The treatment includes anti-inflammatory medications, ice and heat treatment, diet adjustments that are joint supporting foods, supplements, weight control and exercise.To deal with arthritis leg pain and painful finger joint condition you have to work with combination of therapies and diet with an aim to reduce inflammation. Reduction in inflammation will reduce the pain.

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